
Seth Meyers: Trump Stuns CEOs with $1 Billion Quid Pro Quo, Lies About Biden's Insulin Price Cap

Targetpractice6/20/2024 4:03:19 am PDT

re: #102 Dangerman

And after those 8 years how exactly have you moved an inch closer to your stated goal?

These are ones partial to the (il)logic that we all probably heard at least once in our lives, that if things are made shitty enough by a Republican in the WH, then the voting public will so hunger for a “true progressive” that either the Dems will be forced to embrace one as their nominee or watch as a third party wins the presidency in their place.

The same ones who will tell you with absolute conviction that the system is “rigged” so that third parties can never win, but also that all it would take for a Sanders or Stein to win the presidency would be every Dem changing their vote in “protest.” The sort of intellectual titans who think that the sum total of the “representative” in “representative democracy” is that you vote for someone and if they don’t live up to your expectations, then you just wait a few years and try again.