
Iranian Irony Watch

Killgore Trout4/22/2009 9:30:48 am PDT

OT: Gay progressive Muslim antisemitism at HuffPo….
Poor Israel? Sure, and I am Barack Obama!

I write from Geneva, where I was invited to speak at the UN “Durban II” conference on racism and have just today been spat at by two Israelis.
Later, two Israeli delegates spat at me. Surprisingly, an erudite Canadian professor and member of Parliament threw around a baffling and hard-to-explain term: “genocidal anti-Semitism”. Only he knows what he means, I certainly do not!
Still later as the Iranian president walked into his press conference, clueless, young (all White by the way) UN workers stood and hissed, accusing him of “racism” (a term problematically applied in this case).
Today for the first time I was witness to the extent of power the pro-Israel , anti-Iran and anti-Palestinian lobbies wield, even here in Geneva.
Israel and its many lobbies in majority Caucasian countries (and sometimes mine like India) are loud enough to drown out the rhetoric of the humble former mayor of Tehran.
I write, in a hurry from Geneva where I shall now go and torment myself at a Shoa remembrance being turned into an Iran hate-fest.
