
Democrats Turn the Tables, As Expected

Mad Prophet Ludwig10/05/2009 10:02:08 am PDT

I am really tired of the whole “the left did it first” meme in terms of going to the sewers.


Was Karl Rove a nice man who was above smearing people?

Was Rush ever known for his even handedness, or O’Reilly or Hannity or any of those guys?


Only the GOP would impeach when after a six year witch hunt, the best they could get dirt on was a hummer - particularly given the number of “family first” GOP speech makers, who subsequently couldn’t control their penises either.

It is the height of faulty memory and hypocrisy for the supporters of the GOP to not only reach deeper into the sewers, but to then whine that silly things said by the left actually started this, or that somehow the GOP is innocent or pure in this.