
Jim Hoft (Gateway Pundit) Staged the Carnahan Coffin Stunt

SixDegrees3/25/2010 12:44:09 am PDT

re: #97 windsagio

I used to be all about the ‘as long as you eat it’ logic, but I think its (note this has nothing to do with legality) all about why you are shooting in the first place. Not wasting the meat is a good mitigating circumstance, but its still kinda creepy going out and killing things because you enjoy it.

As opposed to having someone else kill them for you?

There’s some merit in the argument that it’s better to go out and kill your own food, as opposed to collecting it, shrink wrapped, after it’s spent it’s short life in a high capacity feed lot.

To be honest, I’ve never met a hunter who enjoys killing. They enjoy the experience of hunting itself, but they don’t rejoice in death. And as I’ve said in the past, I think everyone ought to kill their own dinner at least once, involving something other than a fish. It tends to make you respect your food.