
Overnight Open Thread

Liberal Classic4/28/2010 5:37:41 am PDT

I’m not trying to trap anyone with their own words. I actually think we need both an easier immigration policy (the typical liberal answer) and better border security (typically the conservative answer) both at the same time .

If it were relatively easy to get work permits at the ports of entry, then most ordinary people would come in at the border crossings and get their pictures taken, fingerprints, etc. There’s no reason to risk a dangerous desert crossing if such a thing is unnecessary. We also need to streamline the path to legal residency to encourage people to come aboveboard.

Physical barriers and border patrols are also important. They serve to funnel people to ports of entry, such that if you find someone tunneling under the border you can drop a grenade down there with a free conscience. Border security is important. The human trafficking/smuggling problem is also a national security problem, for obvious reasons.

Congress has really been derelict in their duties, IMO. I feel the Democrats are likely to push for amnesty or increased quotas, but really we need both the liberal and conservative answers to the problem at the same time. I don’t know if this makes me a moderate on the issue or what.