
Overnight Open Thread

iossarian3/03/2011 6:32:11 am PST

re: #105 RogueOne

Seattle detective in ‘stomping’ incident likely to keep his job

Let me see if I have this right…The stomping isn’t a problem but using a racial slur while stomping a minority crosses the line of good conduct. Maybe that’s why they always yell “Stop resisting!” while beating people who are already on the ground cuffed.

From the same article:

Internal investigations had an outside forensic expert review the video close-up, sources say. The conclusion was that Cobane did not strike the suspect’s head. Instead, it appeared Cobane was trying to keep the man, who was later released without charges, from moving his arms in case he had a weapon.

I’m not a big fan of police brutality, but it sounds like they at least have a moderately-sized fig leaf here.