
Franklin Graham on Donald Trump: 'Maybe This Guy's Right'

Dark_Falcon4/22/2011 4:16:14 pm PDT

re: #99 WindUpBird

Palin becomes president: opens gate to hell

Trump becomes President: just another opportunistic rich asshole

if anything, Trump’s ego helps him, because Trump won’t let himself be told what to do by a guy who he feels is his intellectual inferior. Look at him! he’s having the time of his life, going on every show, getting the whole world talking about him. The whole planet is his Disneyland. And I can’t BELIEVE Trump, whose ego extends to puilding Versaille-like glittering towers that are affronts to eyeballs all across the land, with his goddamn name at the top.

Does anyone really believe DONALD TRUMP, the star of stars! Would stand for some power grabbing hick, some rube southern good ol boy trying to run HIS gig? Some gang of southern white senators with slow tongues and stopped minds? Of course not. He’d tell them to fuck off. Trump’s ego would not allow it.

And that may be the only good thing I have to say about Trump’s candidacy, but it’s the thing that separates him from a Palin (or a Bachmann)

I see where you’re going: Someone motivated by ego is less dangerous than someone motivated by ideology. I’m not sure I agree entirely (Saddam Hussein slaughtered hundreds of thousands) but you do have point.