Comment Desperately Spinning Romney's Jerusalem Speech

Eclectic Cyborg7/30/2012 4:50:40 pm PDT

I just want to say thanks guys for giving me thoughtful, intelligent responses on the whole homosexuality/sin thing. That’s the kind of topic that would have been instant flame war material at other websites.

One of the many reasons I love LGF is that people on here know how to have actual conversations without resorting to petty name calling and insults to those whose opinions differ from their own.

I am a Christian, I make no bones about that, but I don’t consider myself someone who hates gays. If a gay person needed a shirt, I would give them the one off my back. If they needed food, I would feed them. If they needed shelter, I would find it for them.

Gay or not, we are all humans and we are all entitled to the same dignity and respect.