
Religious Right Rallies for Missouri Caveman Todd Akin

A Mom Anon8/23/2012 1:12:06 pm PDT

re: #99 Decatur Deb

Jenny McCarthy is a phony. Her son isn’t autistic,he had a very severe seizure disorder that effected his development as a baby and young child. Once the seizures were under control,his development resumed and he’s “cured of autism”now. The ONLY good thing that damned book of hers did was to talk about what having a child with a disability can do to a marriage. Had she stuck with that topic,she might have had some redeeming quality.

If I ever meet her(or Oprah,who gave her a national platform and credibility)I’m punching her in both ovaries. She’s done so much harm with this bullshit. The so called experts she’s associated herself with are scam artists that sell everything from supplements to chelation therapies to the nonsense about”indigo children”,and she herself has made a small fortune from lending her name to some of this crap. Gah! It pisses me off,can’t ya tell?