
What Right Wing Racism? "This Is How We Feed Animals"

Kragar8/29/2012 12:42:47 pm PDT

Todd Akin’s Best Friend Mike Huckabee Takes RNC Stage Tonight

I’m not sure what the RNC schedulers were thinking, but Mike Huckabee is set to “legitimate rape” back on the map tonight – a mere two speeches ahead of Paul Ryan. To be sure, the former Arkansas governor and Fox News personality will be on his best behavior, but Huckabee is inextricably linked with Todd “legitimate rape” Akin. And as we’ll explore, Huckabee’s own record is even more extreme and disturbing than Akin’s.
Huckabee, who prominently endorsed Akin in his recent primary, quickly emerged as his top defender in the wake of Akin’s controversial remarks. He publicly chastised Republican leaders for ditching Akin and sent out a fundraising appeal to his list. Akin even made the announcement that he was staying in the race on Huckabee’s radio show.

In the course of defending Akin, Huckabee made it known that some “extraordinary things” have resulted from rape:

And so I know it happens, and yet even from those horrible, horrible tragedies of rape, which are inexcusable and indefensible, life has come and sometimes, you know, those people are able to do extraordinary things.

No word on if he’ll repeat that everyone in the US should be forced at gunpoint to listen to David Barton, GOP Platform Guru.