
Update: Rep. Cantor's Office Was Not Targeted

Cato the Elder3/25/2010 5:47:00 pm PDT

re: #788 LudwigVanQuixote

BTW Cato, the village of the Banned had an outpouring of the best, finest Texas grade black crude, diarrhea last night.

The Rodent was especially drunk and miserable. I wonder if he has gotten over his hangover.

Defenseman (Yooper) has a new post up on his blog - which I visited for the first time today - denouncing me, Ice, and Jimmah for everything that is wrong with LGF.

Since I doubt he will have the balls to let it pass moderation, here is my return comment, for the record:

I have never posted a word about your blog, Defenseman. This is the first time I’ve looked at it. We had a few direct interactions on LGF, but I don’t remember them being anything but friendly, or at worst ordinarily snarky. Oh, there was the one time recently I saw you lurking and invited you to come out and play, but you took a powder instead.

I have posted directly to and about Saint Rose and her House of Wounded Feelings. I called her on her lies and shit-stirring long before it was fashionable, and got roundly dinged for it.

I saw through her act well in advance of her final meltdown, and could have predicted the outcome, but was too polite for my own good.

She whinges about the bullies at LGF, but she was the one who was frenetically emailing Charles to get other people banned because she didn’t like them. Because in her mind Charles owed her a favor or two for her unasked-for self-martyrdom in the cause of truth, justice and “looka me, I’m the brave girl who pokes insane stalkers with a stick and then cries when they snarl at her” shtick.

I have had no beef with you up until today.

Happy hunting!