
Overnight Open Thread

vxbush6/01/2009 9:11:27 am PDT

re: #1056 Iron Fist

Eyes, throat, groin, knees, and toes are what I teach in basic self-defense classes for women. These are the most vulnerable parts of the human anatomy. It looks really cool in the movies to break a guy’s arm while throwing him in such a way that he breaks his neck when he lands, but in a real self-defense situation you are going to just react. There’s not a lot of time for planning or pinpoint accuracy. Training can give you a big leg up, but I was always taught that my black belt will only cover 1 3/4” of my ass. I’d better be able to cover the rest.

That is sound advice to everyone.

I’ve taken RAD self defense training. Probably wouldn’t hurt to go to a refresher course.