
Rachel Maddow vs. GOP Wacko Art Robinson

Gus10/11/2010 1:13:12 pm PDT

re: #1052 reason0911

I was pulled of a train car by an officer for walking through a subway car. He had a gun. If I didn’t get off the train I would have been arrested. If I resisted arrest he would have subdued me with violence.

The government is requesting that I pay them over $3000. If i do not pay they will garnish my wages. They will notify my employer that he must send a portion of my wages to them. If he does not comply he will be fined. If he does not pay the fine, he will be jailed. If he resists arrest they will use violence to subdue him.

Whether or not the government uses violence or threats of violence is a settled question. They do.

Uh, the fine for walking between subway cars in NYC is 75 bucks.