
Onion: Girl Raised from Birth by Wolf

iceweasel7/23/2010 10:21:12 pm PDT

re: #1035 Irenicum

Ice brings up an important issue. I started out as a strong Bush supporter. I turned against him after the Iraq War turned out to be built on false pretenses. I’ve been strongly against Bush ever since. My politics is not typically built on the left/right divide. My Christian convictions are deeply orthodox and yet also deeply Anabaptist in its orientation. That’s why I defy any political understanding. Or at least I hope to.

I actually think the thing about this place is that most of us aren’t typical left or right. We might often individually play that role or get pegged that way in a thread or on a topic*, but when you get down to it very few of us are hardcore ideologues. We have conservative atheists, liberal evangelicals, etc.

* by ‘play that role’ I don’t mean anyone is faking, but that the nuances of an individual’s positions get lost sometimes in the discussion, because we’re diverse enough that we’re fighting the more central battles or questions. E.g., in a thread about HCR we’ll be arguing over whether we need reform, as opposed to what someone means by reform. This isn’t a complaint, just an observation about what is going to happen on a site like this especially with this many commenters and threads rolling so quickly.
yargh, ok, i should be out now for real, hope that made sense. bye!