
Overnight Open Thread

jwb76052/04/2009 8:47:40 am PST

re: #987 Walter L. Newton

I feel your… ok, that sounds to moonbat, but I know what you mean. I have sent out over 2300 emails since 2006, some of that back and forth correspondence, and that generated 11 months of actual work in the last 3 or so years. Some of that work was over 50 dollars an hour, so I bank it when I could.

Of course, now I work at the theatre, for 18 thousand a year. That salary pays my bills and I am not starving, and of course I have some cable and broadband, so I am not cut off from the world in my hovel.

And I do that off and on work for Kaiser, from home, which generated 4 grand last year.

It’s working, but, I would rather have a full time programming job, with some benefits, instead of picking up everything piecemeal like I do.

The big problem I never even get an initial phone call from any of these folks, I’ve sent out over 70 resumes since Dec. 2008 and only have had ONE call. ANd I don’t apply for jobs that I am not highly qualified for.

I send out an average of 3 a day.
I’ve actually had about 10 phone calls from recruiters since Christmas, but it doesn’t look like anything is panning out.

The worse the economy gets, the more competition there seems to be, and the cheaper anybody is willing to work for.

I’d be quite happy with anything over 50K, at this point.
If you want to see my resume, click my nic, and follow the links.

I’m really good, but unlike Sally Fields, they really hate me out there.
I feel more like Rodney Dangerfield most days.