
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

gegenkritik4/20/2009 6:04:49 pm PDT

re: #1020 Charles
re: #1045 Thanos
I would agree that there is more qualification to call BNP a Nazi-Party than VB.
Though, I think it is important to understand the difference between racism and anti-semitism: the racists seeks for separation, the anti-semite for destruction. This does not mean there are no racially motivated genocides, but they are not an inevitable element of racist ideology.
It’s true, that the Nazis murdered many million other people besides the Jews, but the difference is, that no other group* of people was completely tried to destruct: millions of russians and other eastern-european people were starved to death, shot or killed as labour-slaves, but the final-plan was to enslave them as “sub-humans”. Political enemies of the Nazis were murdered, but they could save themself if they agreed to fight for the Wehrmacht in special divisions. Homosexuals could also save their life this way. Many Arabs collaborated with the Nazis anyway, as well as the Japanese.
For Jews, there was no way to survive in Nazi-ideology, their destruction was inevitable.
This should not be misunderstood as a “hierarchy” of victims, as for the victim it does not matter in what circumstances he was killed. But it’s necessary to understand that National Socialism with its latent suicidal tendencies, that tries to create hell on earth before the own destruction, was a unique form of genocidal ideology.

Some very good (english) books on this matter have been released by Prof. Deborah Lipstadt.

*The only group of people besides the Jews, for whom the Nazis had no other plans than destruction, were the Romani and Sinti.