
What Edward Snowden Can Expect in Russia

Dr Lizardo8/01/2013 12:37:58 pm PDT

re: #100 Justanotherhuman

Good luck finding a cheap apt in Moscow:

The average price of a 3 room furnished pad is $4,400 USD in Moscow, but you can get a 350 sq ft one for $3K if you don’t mind the Stalin era bldg.

Housing blocks: Image: article-2097140-119BFC9A000005DC-999_964x642.jpg

Ah, home sweet home, Comrade. The late Czech President Havel used to call them “rabbit hutches, unfit for human habitation”.

Believe it or not, there’s a magazine dedicated to those of us who live in the ‘rabbit hutches’.

It’s all in Czech, but if you run it through a browser with autotranslate, you’ll get a rough idea of what it’s about.