
Amazing Video Preview From NASA of What's Next for the Cassini Spacecraft Orbiting Saturn

Schroedinger's Dog3/14/2014 5:37:29 pm PDT

re: #105 TedStriker

It’s the same sort of bullshit dichotomy the Code Pink/ANSWER types tried to push about George W. Bush during his two terms, that, somehow, W was an evil mastermind who pulled the US into two wars in order to enrich himself and his oil industry/Halliburton/KBR buddies >AND that he was a mental midget that couldn’t tie his own shoelaces without Darth Cheney’s help.

Nowadays, I don’t look back favorably on W’s presidency, even though I voted for him in 2004, but that sort of shit is fucking illogical and ridiculous.

Cognative dissonance isn’t a bug with fanatics it’s a feature.