
Republican Candidates Ape Donald Trump, Call for Abolishing 14th Amendment

Nyet8/18/2015 11:42:27 am PDT

re: #100 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Yeah, and criticized for writing click bait headlines all the time as well. That said, DKos has lost its collective mind and gone into full “We Worship Bernie” mode for the most part. It’s worse than 08 when it was the Hillary supporters vs. the Obama supporters.

The collective mind was lost quite some time before that, when lots of prominent Kossacks practically were in the “I wuv Chavez” mode. That said, the exaggerations about what the Kos folks are doing or not doing now remind me of the old wingnut method of finding an anti-Israel/antisemitic diary or comment there and claiming it was representative of the site as a whole. NJDHockeyFan used to do this.