
Trump Surrogate Gen. Flynn Retweets Blatant Antisemite, Then Says It Was a "Mistake"

TedStriker7/24/2016 1:20:22 pm PDT

re: #92 Nyet

I posted from a NYT article (I think) that she’s being stubborn on this and doesn’t think it’s a big deal. Which alone should disqualify her. At a time when unity against Trump is more important than ever there should be no petty distractions.

The party chair’s job, Democrat or Republican, culminates in the party’s presidential convention; forcing DWS out now disrupts not only the planning and execution of the upcoming Democratic convention, but gives the Republican and media vultures one more bullshit thing to try to pin on Hillary and nag her with through to the general (and, believe me, I think that Hillary could have probably helped to force DWS out as party chair much, much sooner if she really wanted to; the fact that she didn’t should say something).

Frankly, at this point, any talk of forcing out DWS before the convention smacks of payback and revenge for her and the DNC letting Sanders run as a Democrat in the primary…and it stinks to high heaven. Sanders has conceded and endorsed Hillary at this point, so why give the Republicans a free shot to attempt to fracture the party before the convention?

Do I think that DWS should have been DNC chair while actively serving in Congress? Hell no; as I said above, both jobs are extremely demanding and should not be done by the same person.