
Marcus King: "F*ck My Life Up Again" (Solo Acoustic Version)

Mattand2/21/2024 9:51:05 pm PST

re: #13 silverdolphin

We had a dog like that. You never knew when it would turn and bite. Took it to a dog behaviorist. Found out that the dog never gave any signals of submissive behavior (drop head, licking, etc.) It simply could not respond properly to a human, even its owners. It also had a couple of other behavior problems (circling) We had a young child and simply could not keep it.

It was tough.

Went through something similar a few years. The dog immediately bonded with us, but literally every other living thing was seen as a threat that must be terminated immediately.

In retrospect, we’re lucky he never mauled anyone or killed another dog.

I still apologize to Morty when I look at pictures of him. Poor dog was born behind the eight ball thanks to a shitty breeder and never really had a chance.

We really tried our best, buddy.