
From Fish to Football

Skaught3/12/2009 2:59:10 pm PDT

re: #105 Salamantis

Maybe you can get the UN to outlaw Darwin Fish, much as they are attempting to outlaw any other criticism of religion under blasphemy laws. I personally find a faith that tolerates the Piss Christ and the Elephant Dung Madonna to be more secure in itself than one that riots and kills due to cartoons of its prophet and a critical mention in a Papal Regensburg speech.

Sigh…I don’t know if I just completely suck at communicating, or some of you aren’t taking the time to see what I’m actually saying. I make a living with my writing, but granted promotional text isn’t quite the same thing.

Again, I don’t see anything in my statements that would suggest I want to outlaw, censor, restrict or in any way make ANY symbol forbidden. Again, if LGF wants to display it, by all means it should be free to do so in any way it chooses. Let me know if this works: If you don’t intend offense, you may not want to use a symbol that many will assume is used offensively. That’s all I’m saying! It seems people just want to fight here, though. I can’t understand it.