
Slideshow: Tea Party in the Desert

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)3/29/2010 4:13:13 pm PDT

re: #90 _RememberTonyC

Okay, I’m not saying you have made a definite claim on it. I thought you had some reason to believe it other than this dude babbling about it.

I also think you’ve misunderstood what people were saying about Cantor. What people were objecting to was mainly that Cantor was taking part in a general GOP effort to lay at least part of the blame for the inflamed rhetoric on the Democrats, and to imply that they were using the threats against them for political gain— while he used a threat against himself for politics.

It was still a stupid action on Cantor’s part. I’m sure that there are threats against GOP members, and I’m sure there will be more. However, the GOP has been complicit in ratcheting up the rhetoric to these levels, and they need to start to dial it down, not just to blame Democrats for it.