
GOP Budget: No More Color Copies for the Pentagon

recusancy4/05/2011 11:11:43 am PDT

re: #77 Aceofwhat?

1. Yeah. IIRC, Obamacare is adding to, rather than reducing, future deficits. I give no more credit to that direction than a bold but questionable proposal regarding Medicare.

3. Brace yourself, it’s a conservative site, but the table at the bottom (as far as I can tell) is accurately transcribed from the OECD data. Just skip the prose (i did) and check out the numbers. Interesting stuff.

1) The CBO says Obamacare will reduce deficits. Are they wrong?

3) It is interesting. I would like to see how he got his numbers. The only reference he gives links directly back to that page.