
Bad Lip Reading: Rick Santorum Remix

steve_davis2/02/2012 7:14:37 pm PST

re: #2 EmmmieG

I failed at giving blood. I’m a failure. Iron.

One of my daughter’s buddies was there, and she failed because her veins are too small.

I told her on Facebook we can be fail buddies.

Hopefully it makes her feel better; she was pretty bummed out.

My daughter is not giving blood because she has a competition tomorrow that will involved throwing sabers and rifles ten-fifteen feet in the air.

Don’t feel bad. I’ve given blood once in my life and spent half-an-hour having EMS personnel trying to keep me from going into shock. Something about being 6 feet tall and weighing 120 pounds at the time. If a vampire ever got hold of me, he’d probably take me home and spend six months trying to fatten me up and then marry me off. He’d go from Tortured Undead Night Walker to Concerned Jewish Matchmaker, completely losing the whole plot thread of his existence.