
Atlas Shrugs Promotes Neo-Nazi British National Party

USBeast4/20/2009 6:09:02 pm PDT

re: #1049 Thanos

Anyone who’s more interested in the future of the Republican party than racist parties in Europe just to start with USB, your friends pam and robert don’t fit that list USB.

re: #1053 Charles

Excuse me, but this is NOT a “knee-jerk” reaction. The British National Party are open white nationalists and fascists. Their leader is a Holocaust denier.

What the hell is your purpose in trying to minimize this?

Charles, as you well know, the people involved in the Luton march were not all card carrying members of the BNP. Many, probably most of them, were seriously pissed off by the denial of a permit to march. Yes, I agree, there were probably racist assholes in the the crowd. What strikes me as important is that there was a crowd. The Islamic contempt for the service and sacrifice of British troops in defense of liberty has been noticed. Can you tell me that this is not a good thing?