
Update: Rep. Cantor's Office Was Not Targeted

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce3/25/2010 5:52:08 pm PDT

re: #1004 windsagio

Best… radio… EVER. Was ‘Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell’

I cannot agree more strongly.

* All content aside, Art Bell had the best radio voice I have ever heard. Not just his voice, but his delivery too.
* It came on late at night, had weird topics, weird sponsors, and the weirdest guests possible. This made it a GREAT thing to listen to while falling asleep.
* He would occasionally do segments where he would tell the audience that he was CERTAIN that someone listening was actually a time traveler / alien / Illuminatus / etc, and that person should call in and convince him. Every once in a while, we’d luck out and an extremely creative person would call in.

I was deeply disappointed to learn that Art actually did believe lots of the kooky things he aired on his show. I always thought he was just a very talented broadcaster who liked telling spooky stories in the dark, and had found a niche.

But man, to this day I would love to get my hands on some Art Bell archives. That would be some excellent iPod fodder.