
Jim Hoft's Monumental Fail of the Week: Tea Party Nazi Signs Were Real

EdEncho5/26/2013 3:48:41 pm PDT

I must admit that I am certainly guilty of more than my share of Bush-Nazi rhetoric and posts during those very dark years (Grandpa Prescott’s firm trading with them aside) but at some point it just gets to be ridiculous.

There are more than enough legitimate reasons to ridicule the know nothing, neo-Confederate, racist, Koch Brothers manipulated hordes that are the so-called “Tea Party” without having to play the Nazi card.

This sort of crap really only plays to their perpetual persecution complexes, let’s just call a spade a spade for a change.

They are really the 21st Century version of the Confederacy.

A Confederacy of Dunces I might add with due credit to John Kennedy Toole for the moniker.

Just my two cents