
Republicans Fantasize of Impeachment, Sans Reason

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce8/24/2013 5:06:12 pm PDT

re: #81 b_sharp


Everybody going to watch Ghostshark tonight?

Burning question: Why is there no Zombieshark?

I’ll admit I have a sort of mild phobia of sharks. I don’t worry about being attacked in the bathtub or anything like that, but the sight of (for example) a Great White breaching is irrationally uncomfortable to see. Crazily enough, I think it comes in part from going to see the USS Arizona when I was about 4. I was extremely creeped out and distressed by seeing the ship under water. It was very scary to me at the time. I remember being frustrated that everyone kept trying to tell me it was okay, when I knew it was not fucking okay for a ship to be under water. Instead of trying to help me work through what I was feeling, they tried to get me to deny that I was feeling it. ANYWAY, I believe that somehow translated into a lifelong mild irrational fear of sharks and the ocean in general. I also don’t like to watch footage of ships sinking or listing severely.

But even though all that stuff bothers me for not-very-good reasons, all this recent shark-oriented goofiness mainly serves to keep me baffled and feeling ever more unable to relate to the dumb culture I live in.

Bah humbug and get off my lawn, I guess.