
Jon Stewart Explores the Decade-Long Strategy of Karl Rove

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/23/2013 4:00:56 pm PDT

This, too, is America 2013:

Gov. hopeful touts conservative views

Former U.S. Rep. Mike Ross wants the people of the Twin Lakes Area to know he’s a pro-gun, pro-God, conservative Democrat.

He also wants them to know he voted against Obamacare as a congressman, but would have signed Arkansas’ “Private Option” version of the Affordable Care Act into law had he been governor in April.

Ross, who seeks the Arkansas Democratic Party’s nomination for governor, was in Mountain Home on Tuesday to attend a fund-raising event at the home of Joe and Kathryn Miles.

“I voted against Obamacare as a congressman. I voted to repeal Obamacare,” Ross said, during an exclusive interview with The Baxter Bulletin. “I agree with Gov. Beebe and the Republican legislature that approved the Private Option, which is a Medicaid expansion for a quarter million people in Arkansas.


Apparently to run for office in Arkansas one has to be “pro-gun, pro-God”, whatever those mean. I suspect they mean the same thing, and that “God” and “gun” are fully interchangeable.