
Birther and Rush Limbaugh Fan Threatens the President, Gets Arrested

Reality Based Steve11/24/2013 1:42:29 pm PST

re: #98 blueraven

The alternative is the status quo and adding more sanctions.
No matter what you think of the rulers of Iran, you just cant back any country into a corner where they have nothing to lose.
The people were ready for something more moderate…but push their economy further into chaos with no way out and they will turn to the hardliners.

This is our last best chance to avoid war.

I have to agree with you… it’s not a perfect solution by any means at all, but by maybe opening up the inspection process, taking measures to get control of that 20% enriched Uranium, freeing up some of the held funds, and in 6 months hopefully there will be enough of an improvement in the general situation that the process can take another step forward.

As a side note, I’d be very interested in what the Saudi’s are doing on this. I almost have to think that they are being active behind the scenes in some way, they have absolutely no desire to see a nuclear Iran.