
Brian Eno and Karl Hyde: Daddy's Car

kirkspencer6/01/2014 6:05:36 pm PDT

On getting computers, the way I recommend.

First, choose the software. Choose it on it doing what you want it to do when you want it to do it with the least amount of difficulty. Most (not all) either works on or can be made to work on any OS via emulators/virtual systems. It’s the few exceptions that make this the first step these days.

Second it’s prioritization.
‘Just works’ is Apple, M$, Linux.
‘More options after tuning’ is Linux, M$, Apple.
‘Support now’ is Apple, M$, Linux.
‘Support in three years’ is M$, Linux, Apple.
‘Works even when the hardware is ancient’ is Linux, M$, Apple.
‘Shares work with others’ is M$, Linux, Apple. Or maybe M$, Apple, Linux.

Note that in none of those cases is the last choice “none”. It just means

If you do not want to be a techie, but just use the darn thing, and you are willing to replace it with a newer version every couple of years, go Apple.

If you’re working with large networks, sharing work - enterprise work, in other words - and don’t mind doing occasional tech work, and expect to be using the system for more than a couple of years - go M$.

If you are, or want to be, a techie and tweak everything to make it work the way you really want, go Linux.