
The Republican Party Is Heading Toward a Cliff

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge3/15/2015 2:20:36 pm PDT

re: #100 Nyet

Didn’t inspire patriotic feelings and respect to the Church and the govt in Russians. Which is a mortal sin nowadays.

Vladimir Posner, a veteran Russian journalist said that the ruckus is because, “Anything seen as being critical of Russia in any way is automatically seen as either another Western attempt to denigrate Russia and the Orthodox Church or it as the work of some kind of fifth column of Russia-phobes who are paid by the West to do their anti-Russian work or are simply themselves profoundly anti-Russian.”[20]

I remember Posner as a Soviet spokesman towards the end—I’m glad he found his feet in the new regime. He seemed like a reasonable fellow.