
Gov. Jerry Brown Signs Tough New Vaccination Law

Scottish Dragon6/30/2015 12:50:51 pm PDT

re: #100 HappyWarrior

Dunmore. Not to be a pedant but giving the correct spelling if anyone wants to research more about it. Both the Brits and revolutionaries treated blacks like trash. If I were black then, I’d feel the same way I would if I were around the UK in the English Civil War, “Screw you guys, I’m getting out of here.” And that gets me to another note. That’s what really bothers me about the movie The Patriot. Gibson’s character (based off of Francis Marion, a racist and slave-owner- ad redundant I know) but anyhow, I hated how that film made him out to be an egalitarian in regards to the races.

Also, a good source on how the Brits screwed African American who were repatriated after the war is Simon Schama’s Rough Crossings.

Nobody on the Amercan side or the British side comes out good at all.