
Video: Katrina Pierson Face-Plants Majestically on CNN

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)8/13/2016 1:40:21 pm PDT

Frankly I got the vibe from Pierce’s piece that he wanted an excuse to not vote for Clinton. I like his work but I dunno. I just think too many progressive types do that. Maybe I’m wrong about him. Honestly, I think many progressives don’t even understand what Kisisnger actually is. I saw the Pierce article posted by a friend on FB and a lot pf people were saying Kissinger was a Neo-Con in the comments. He’s not nor has ever been one. I understand with why Kissinger is despised of course.I just think there are a lot bigger issues than HRC accepting an endorsement from a 90+ year old who has no real influence on her policies.