
Seth Meyers: Democrats Get Their First Big Electoral Wins of the Trump Era

Dangerman11/09/2017 6:16:14 am PST

it’s coming out, they ARE taking apples from a lot of people

New York Magazine (itals original, my bold)

The Republican Party’s “middle class tax cut” plan has a minor problem: It actually raises taxes on much of the middle class. Tax experts and progressive think tanks have been trumpeting this inconvenient truth for weeks. But now, Congress’s own Joint Committee on Taxation has confirmed this finding, making it far more difficult for Republicans to ignore.

According to the JCT, if the Republican plan passses, one-fifth of American households will pay higher taxes in 2027. While more middle-class families would be helped than hurt by the GOP plan, the fact that any will wind up forking over more money to Uncle Sam — while the super rich and corporate America collect trillions in benefits — is a political migraine for Trump & Co.