
Sheer Beauty: Sara Bareilles With Chris Thile and the Milk Carton Kids, "Someone Who Loves Me" [VIDEO]

Joe Bacon ✅4/17/2019 6:24:53 am PDT

Don passed away because of the insulin price spike. He was having problems getting the Blue Shield Beancounter to issue the copays for each vial and the beancounter was also cutting the copay for his anti rejection Rx for his transplanted kidney.

He was hospitalized 2 weeks ago because the kidney was showing signs of tissue rejection.

So you can chalk up another win for a heartless corporate beancounter rationing care.

A fucking beancounter NOT a government employee rationing care who gets an incentive payment every time they deny or reduce a claim.

Maybe that beancounter will get the special prize from Blue Shield—a cruise, maybe a week at Cabo all expenses paid for being such a diligent steward of the stockholder dividends.

I fucking hate the pimps running the health insurance rackets and the PhRMA extortionists who jack up the prices of RXs.

Time for Single Payer and put these beancounters and pimps on the unemployment line!