
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Donald Puddin' Trump

Hecuba's daughter12/01/2022 9:22:32 pm PST

Saw a video clip this evening of a white Republican Georgia voter who said he voted for Walker in both the general and the runoff — and the reason for his support? He was a small business owner and a Republican. He then said that he thought Warnock would win and that he was a good person. In one sense, it was hopeful because he was clearly a “sane” Republican who would accept with equanimity the re-election of Warnock. In another, it was frustrating to hear a non-MAGAt who was voting only out of party loyalty, even though theoretically it won’t determine control of the Senate, and not because he really supported Walker.

It was Gingrich and then McConnell who transformed national politics so that voters make decisions not based on evaluation of the individual candidates but only on party membership. A Warnock victory would be a sign that sanity may eventually prevail in our nation.

OT — Aileen Cannon has shown herself to be a totally unqualified Trump toady with either no understanding of the law or no interest in upholding the rules that govern us. Other than impeachment (which is not going to happen) is there any way to force her off the bench?