
An Incredible Full Concert at The Boiler Room London: Battles

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷6/15/2024 9:01:52 pm PDT

re: #106 mmmirele

Robert Morris is so famous in Evangelical Christianity and outside it that many preachers lift parts or all of his sermons verbatim.

They justify their plagiarism theft “repreaching” by claiming the message (the sermon about God) is more important than the messenger (the preacher). I suppose that’s one way to get around the command against theft.

At Reddit’s r/Christianity, a person posed a question nine years ago about their suspicions their pastor had lifted wholesale one of Rev. Morris’s sermons. A bunch of pastors of all denominations weighed in to say that was quite common and expected.

My pastor may have plagiarized a sermon? (r/Christianity, March 16, 2016)