
Kook Lies About 'Lies'

zombie3/30/2009 11:23:51 am PDT


Verdict: there may be credible scientists raising valid objections to anthropogenic climate change theory…

re: #50 Racer X

Global Warmening™ is real.

But then again, so is Global Cooling™

Its a cycle.

As I posted a while ago, I had to write what was essentially a research “position paper” a few months back about various environmental issues, and for the first time I really looked at the anthropogenic climate change theory. With an open mind.

I came to the inescapable conclusion that at least 95% of the published material on human-caused climate change is itself just as kooky and ridiculous as Mrner, but because it toes the “Global Warming” line, it doesn’t get challenged. The REAL truth is that we simply don’t have anywhere near enough data to draw ANY valid conclusions. Global warming and global cooling happens on geologic time scales, and we are basically dealing with about 50 years of reliable temperature measurements. We need hundreds of years of solid data before we can really start thinking about drawing conclusions and making projections. Because that’s what this is all about — projections. As of this moment, the sea levels have not risen and the globe has not gotten significantly warmer (less that ONE DEGREE over the last CENTURY). We don’t know if CO2 levels rise AS A CONSEQUENCE of global warming, or if (as Gore posits) CO2 is a major CAUSE of global warming. Solar cycles, ice caps, yadda yadda, you’ve all heard it before.

Anyway, I wrote a very skeptical analysis about the whole current state of knowledge, and got in hot water for it. A moonbat organization deleted that section from the report. Not because they coiuld prove me wrong, but because it was simply un-PC to say what I was saying.

I experienced first-hand the lockstep Orwellian groupthink that has taken ahold of our society when it comes to this topic. Honest unbiased views are forbidden. If you doubt, you are a “Denier.”