
Video: Rep. Mike Castle vs. the Nirthers

Adrenalyn7/20/2009 12:07:28 pm PDT

re: #98 Honorary Yooper

Right bashing?

Calling out people for being stupid over the sliced ham non-story is bashing?
Calling out the ‘nirthers for being morons is bashing?
Calling out the fascists is bashing?
Calling out various kookery such as young-earth creationism, troofers, and conspiracy theorists is bashing?

Funny, I could’ve sworn this was an anti-idiotarian site, and all the above are examples of idiotarianisms.

I agree for the most part except the Drudge headline
I don’t see anything really outrageous about it

IMHO, he is simply showing the waste in the stimulous
with some examples
I did not even subconciously think he was being deceiptful in those headlines

but that’s just me I guess
I don’t have to read the story to see his point
lots of waste