
Overnight Open Thread

SixDegrees9/25/2009 2:30:19 am PDT

re: #100 Fenway_Nation

Wonder if the market’s been tanking the last few days because 0bama’s been opening his yap vis-a-vis the economy again…

Not so much. They’re coming off a huge, extended rally - probably overextended - and they’re bumping up against the psychologically important 10k barrier. Meanwhile, there’s no real news - employers keep shedding jobs at the same dismal rate of ~half-million per month, home sales suck about as bad as they have for months, there’s not going to be any increase in employment or consumer spending for many, many months, possibly not for a year…in short, things have hit bottom and seem to be pretty much staying there. Until there’s an actual, measurable and sustained turnaround in hiring, we’re just going to continue scraping hull, and the market’s going to move sideways, at best.