
Birthers on Stage at CPAC

The Sanity Inspector2/20/2010 10:58:26 am PST

re: #95 Guanxi88

On the subject of commuting - I am shortly to begin commuting in a car. I’ve been a public-transit guy for nearly 20 years now - and have never held a drivers license.

I’m sure there will be some challenges to the whole thing - estimated drive-time is approximately 1 hour each way. Any thoughts or tips on how to save my sanity as I do this thing?

(And for the record, it looks like I’ll be driving a Volvo 240 - the Swedish Brick, as they are called. Built like tanks, and fairly reliable.)

Piloting the car makes up about 40% of what’s involved with driving. The rest, at least in rush hour commuting, is anticipating and reacting to what everyone else is doing around you. And that take experience. Good luck!