
Mark Williams: It's Impossible for Tea Partiers to Be Racists

Gus7/15/2010 12:19:18 pm PDT

Another one.

Clinton, Obama Court Racist Voters in Florida

That Hillary “Hildebeast” Rodham-Clinton and Barack bin al Hussein Osama Obama would appear before an ethnic supremacy group called “The Race” to pander for votes is bad enough. However, according to CBS4 TV in South Florida, the hermaphrodite and the halfrican did their soft shoe for a Hispanic chapter of La Raza (literally translates from Spanish to English as “The Race”).

What offends me about that is that it is the Hispanics who first attempted to clean Central and South America of all ancestors of today’s Latinos, via the always popular among despots method of genocide. Today those same Hispanics are the slave traders selling Latinos to US corporations via middlemen such as Mara Salvatrucha (MS 13). Remember boys and girls, racism and intolerance are only okay for democrats.