
Meet Arkansas GOP State Representative Loy Mauch

lawhawk11/16/2010 12:55:06 pm PST

Well, I think I got my money’s worth today. Had to call in a plumber for a stopped up kitchen sink. Got quoted the flat fee price. It was a bit higher than I thought it would be, but I need the kitchen to work. So, he started working…. and kept on working.. to no avail. He couldn’t clear the clog with his power auger. Had to call a second guy… and they worked at it for another 1.5 hours. After four hours, they finally cleared out the clog from a cleanout hidden in the basement. Seems that the plumbing will need to be addressed when I finally get the kitchen redone, but it got fixed for now…

And that initial quote looks a whole lot better now given what they had to do to get it.