
We Got Mail!

Van Helsing4/16/2009 9:10:19 pm PDT

re: #1050 Slumbering Behemoth

It’s a disastrous trend. I am no historian, and this is a rather lame analogy, but I would be willing to bet that during the second world war, anyone dumb enough to suggest that we adopt the tactics of the Nazis to defeat the Nazis would be ridiculed.

If someone thinks the underhanded, dishonest, and downright ridiculous tactics of their political opposition is worthy of emulation for a shot at victory, they are less than a nose hair from being ideological kindred to those they pretend to oppose.

They may as well change sides.

Oh, I may get slammed for this but please read though before you whack.

It’s not easy to say this in any simple way, but what’s a Nazi tactic? Bombing civilian populations, i.e., the London bombings etc.
Dresden was not the best military target available.
I believe in the laws of war and your enemy has a vote in that.
Bomb our civilians and we’ll bomb yours! Real simple, real straightforward, REAL UGLY!
War is supposed to be horrible lest we love it too much…
Sorry, breaking the Iron fist rule and trying to get some work done, too.