
Overnight Open Thread

realwest2/04/2009 9:12:32 am PST

re: #993 Occasional Reader
Well shit, O.R. - what hasn’t been disturbing news out of the Obama administration? A Treasury Secretary who was either a tax cheat or too stupid to do HIS OWN taxes? A Chief of Staff who “gamed” and apparently still is gaming the law concerning housing and taxes? A proposed Cabinet Member who had to withdraw his nomination (Daschle) because he cheated on his taxes? A “specialist” in programming evaluations or whatever the hell Ms. Keiler was supposed to do who forgot to pay taxes OR social security for her maid? An “open hand” to Iran on the 30th anniversary of their taking over OUR EMBASSY in Teheran? Appoitment of M.E. “diplomats” who have a track record of being anti-Israel? Barely a mention of Iraqi’s having their second successful election? Slapping General Petraeus? Proposing to close Gitmo - but not knowing where the hell to send the detainees? A “stimulus package” that is, according to Sen. McCain, “80% Pork and 20% stimulus”? Hell it’d be easier and LOT SHORTER to list his accomplishments in the two weeks that he’s been POTUS. ONE: Left White House cause he needed some breathing room. Negative is he apparently returned. Eric Holder of the Marc Rich pardon hall of shame? Charlie Rangle ongoing tax cheat Al Frankin tax cheat,Hillary ClintonSecState accepting foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation
Arne Duncan (ED) CAC and Ayers.
Shaun Donovan (HUD) ACORN.