
Obama on CNN: Russia's Proposal for Syria a Potential 'Positive Development'

Decatur Deb9/09/2013 5:40:20 pm PDT

re: #108 compound_Idaho

More like he is being whipped at tic-tac-toe. The bad guys propose and will agree to negotiate some grand inspection or weapons turn over plan. It will take 6 months? a year? 2 years? I predict never. In the mean time they pay no price. Everyone will soon forget, and they will continue to on as before.

We will take the offer, to get off the political hook, look very reasonable, fool a lot of people, and accomplish zip, zero, nada.

I am however in favor to accepting the offer to negotiate. I still think this is a mess we need to do our best to stay out of. Is that the 11th dimension play?

Well, if he’s made you happy, that should count for at least 9 dimensions.