
Michelle Obama Continues Hawaiian Vacation, Breitbart Commenters Respond With Deluge of Racism

palomino1/05/2014 4:54:26 pm PST

Families of presidents should be off limits for this kind of garbage criticism.

And that’s especially true, I believe, in the case of First Ladies like Michelle Obama and Laura Bush. Unlike, say, Hillary and Nancy Reagan, Michelle and Laura don’t even seem to be involved in policy or staff decisions. So, again unlike Hillary and Nancy, there’s nothing substantive upon which to heap “criticism”.

I didn’t like W. But the worst thing I think I ever said about his wife was, “Why did she decide to marry HIM?” Otherwise, I never really gave her much thought. Same goes for Michelle. They’re both classy and good role models, but not politically relevant. They shouldn’t get dragged into the sewer. But the depth of right wing hatred for Michelle is obscene, and way beyond the left’s distaste for Laura. Unfortunately, as the older Obama daughter approaches adulthood, I suspect we’ll hear even more of this type of sick attack.