
Another Native American Casino Cancels Ted Nugent After Community Complaints

Vicious Babushka7/25/2014 5:49:14 am PDT

re: #102 HappyWarrior

If we didn’t have wide spread birth control like the wingnuts want, they’d be complaining about having to provide for all these people. Honestly, I look at this way. If you want to have a large family, that’s your choice but if you want to have only one or two or even no children, that’s also your choice.

Yes there is a tcot meme (can’t find it now, Twitter’s search tool is Teh Suck) that goes like HERE’S A TIP FOR U POORS: DON’T HAVE MORE KIDS THAN YOU CAN AFFORD!!!!! but at the same time HEY DON’T EXPECT ME 2 PAY FOR UR BIRTH CONTROLS!!!!!!